Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Review: Nikhil's Roti by Sensible Solutions (Dallas, TX)

I live in Texas. Texas is famous for a lot of things but BBQ and Tex Mex are the two big food things we are known for. BBQ was an easier fix when I went to a more Paleo/Primal lifestyle as the main part- meat- was still on the 'yes' list. I just had to make my own rubs and sauces without sugar which didn't take too long to work out and I was able to enjoy summer BBQ's without a problem. Tex Mex was another issue altogether. Chips, tortillas, rice, beans... all pretty much out or at least seriously limited. I have a couple different enchilada recipes I worked on for years to perfect that I can no longer eat since I don't eat tortillas any longer. It wasn't ok... I love enchiladas, enchiladas were something I was famous for in my little world. I needed enchiladas in my life. I tried Paleo Wraps and I tried making my own 'tortillas' at home (an epic failure). I tried so many recipes but I still haven't figured out a perfect replacement that holds up with enchiladas... I will keep trying though! This search led me to purchase some of Nikil's Roti at my local farmer's market when I saw them. While they didn't really work out as the perfect enchilada wrapper they were pretty tasty. I enjoyed them heated and used as scoops for dips and curries.

  • These wraps/roti come frozen so I don't have to use them right away... but they aren't full of preservatives either.
  • They are easy to heat and taste really nice. I'm not a huge hummus fan but I can see these going really well with some hummus or a curry.
  • They make a pretty good wrap for quesadillas and other hot sandwich type entrees made in a skillet.
  • They are gluten free.
  • The price point isn't quite as high as other wraps, especially after shipping.
  • They have a piece of parchment paper between the roti so that they do not stick to each other... an issue I have run into with other types of wraps. This is more a packaging issue but can be quite a pain and really sad when you rip a wrap into pieces and feel like you are wasting money because you can no longer use it as you intended to. So I was quite happy with this small helping aid. 
  • The owner is super sweet and told me just to call if I ever need some and she can make a batch fresh if I give her a day's notice.

  • They are a touch greasy, not horrible but more than I was expecting since I had never had roti before. This isn't really a con just an fyi if you are, like me, a roti novice.
  • They didn't hold up well in casserole format... to be fair this is not what they were meant to be. I was looking for a replacement for a very specific thing and it didn't work as that. That's ok, for what they are supposed to be they are really good- and tasty!
  • They have xanthum gum as well as buckwheat in them... take that how you will, some eat those ingredients but others don't. I will likely limit how often I let myself eat these due to this fact though so wanted to add that into my review.
  • They aren't available online yet so they are only available in the DFW area. You have to call and let her know you need some if you don't see her at the market or need some right away. 

I will purchase these roti again most likely... I just won't use them to make enchiladas. On to new adventures!

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